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Mike & Mark

Ron Riggio on "The Biggest Myth About Leadership"

Dr. Riggio's recent column in Psychology Today ( shines a light on the extent to which leaders are placed upon pedestals, either to bask in the glory of success or fall off those same pedestals in failure. As a physician friend of mine told me years ago, medical doctors "get too much blame and too much credit." Riggio's column points us in the right direction: leadership is co-constructed! Without followers, there are no leaders. Robert Kelley wrote in his 1992 book that followers are responsible for 80% of an organization's outcomes while leaders' efforts make up the remaining 20%.

Have you experienced this imbalance in your own your own organizations?

The tide is shifting. Younger generations don't seem to be willing to go along with this imbalance like the baby boomer generation did.


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